Background Checks in Spokane, WA
Pulver Investigation and POLYGRAPH is able to provide Spokane, WA, criminal record checks on any prospective employees. We have a range of other services from background checks to polygraph testing, and we pay attention to detail in handling every project we work on.
Our hours are flexible and accommodating, so you can make arrangements to meet with us at a time that’s good for you. Come to us when you want to work with a staff that:
Offers a fast response when clients have concernsDoes dependable and thorough work
We're highly experienced here at Pulver Investigation and POLYGRAPH, and we have the contacts needed to get the job done. Our company is a fully licensed and insured Spokane, WA, criminal record check provider. We offer the support of a professional who works as an educator and administrator in the field of lie detection. All of our services are kept strictly confidential. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
Why Choose Us?
Putting My Experience to Work
- Confidential Service
- Dependable, Thorough Work
- Flexible Hours
- Experience & Contacts To Get The Job Done
- Administrator & Educator In Lie Detection
- Fully Licensed & Insured
- Use Our Government And Local State Experience To Get Proof In Evidence To Solve Your Case
- Honor Graduate of The United States Army Intelligence School
- Nationally Certified For Lie Detection
- Most Regional Polygraph, Lie Detection & Private Investigation Associations
Contact Us Today!
State of Washington; License 3288
State of California; License PI 11038
Coeur dâAlene, ID; License 14849